Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Week

Here is an update on what the Smith's have been doing since our holiday began.
Fiesta Texas - Sunday 12/21
The Bells of Joy and the HBC Adult Choir went and played and sang at "Holiday in the Park" at Fiesta Texas in San Antonio. As you can tell by our attire, we did this on the COLDEST night in Texas!

Christmas Eve & Day
We went to the Christmas Eve service after we had our annual Christmas Eve chicken fajita meal. We came home and everyone got to open 1 gift - new pajamas! Christmas morning began at 6:00 am. The kids love opening their gifts and seeing what Santa left them. One of the favorite gifts was their new bikes.

Smith Family Christmas

We went to Denton for a few days. We got to visit with Frank and Lynn (my in-laws). Kirk (Paul's brother) and Alexis (our niece) came over for gifts and dinner. FORGOT to pull out the camera for pictures. The kids had a great time playing with Alexis.

Anthony Family Christmas
On our way to Henrietta, we stopped and visited with Uncle Woodrow. We had lunch at the DQ and a great visit. In Henrietta, we took a family picture at the Courthouse and then headed over to Pa Bill's for Christmas.

For dinner, we met Jerry and Carolyn (my dad's cousin), Jaycee and Cal (their grandkids) at CiCi's. Next we headed to Midwestern State University's "Fantasy of Lights". This has become a traditon of the kids and they love getting together with the Cantwells.

After a morning of shopping for the girls and shooting lessons for Will (YES - he got a BB gun and needed to practice SO "he wouldn't shoot his eye out!), we headed out to Jerry & Carolyn's for the kids to play and to see their new house.
Happy Birthday Pa Bill

On the 29th Pa Bill celebrated his 83rd birthday. After the afternoon in the country, we headed back to town to celebrate. Pa had cooked his famous delicious ham and we had all kinds of goodies. Sue, Jerry, and Regina were able to make it to the party. We were even able to bring Granny down for dinner.

Like Great-grandfather, Like Son
William is compared many times to his dad (no BIG surprise there), his grandpa, and his poppy. BUT he is also compared to Pa Bill whose name he bears. On our last morning, I couldn't find William and looked out the window to see Will and Pa Bill outside kicking the football. What a wonderful site. We are so grateful that Will has 4 men that he can learn so many things from.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Braces are off!

Friday was a BIG day in the Smith family. It was the last day of school before the holiday break began. Most importantly, Sarah got her braces off. She has been counting down the days since her November appointment and now is sporting a beautiful non-braces smile.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Our "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree"

On Friday afternoon, we headed out to the lake to see my aunt and uncle's lakehouse. Everyone decided that it would be fun to have the kids decorate a tree outside. So with some decorations and lots of creativity, we decorated our "Charlie Brown" tree. We had a great time!!!

Emily got a lift from Rob (Hannah's husband) to put the garland at the top of the tree.

Pa Bill (the oldest) and McKenna (the youngest) at the tree trimming. They both had a great time.

What beautiful girls we have. Aubrey, Emily, McKenna, and Sarah are growing up on us. My, how time flies!

Happy Thanksgiving

For the last 50 or so years, my grandfather's side of the family has a family reunion on Thanksgiving. In 40 years, I have only missed 1 year (due to having a newborn the week before). Having a Thanksgiving meal with all my relatives is a highlight of my year. The above picture is just OUR family. We were the hosts this year and we had about 110 people come to dinner.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Birthday, Son!

It is hard to believe but my baby boy turned 10 today. It seems like it was only yesterday that he was little, running around the house with a blanket tied like a cape so he could be a super hero. As I reflect back on the last ten years of his life, I remember all the questions, songs, games, and time that we have spent together. I was always a little nervous about having a son. I didn't know much about raising a son or what do little boys like to play. However, I wouldn't change it for anything. He is priceless (as well as his sisters are). Here is a look back at some of my favorite pictures of my boy - beginning with a picture I took in the hospital when he was 24 hours old, his first haircut, through the years, and ending with all three of my beautiful kids.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Birthday surprises

My birthday morning began a little different than we had originally planned. As some of you know, Paul had been admitted in the hospital on Friday night with epiglottitis. Our birthday plans were postponed and I woke up on Monday very tired from a long weekend. Paul was going to be released in the afternoon - YEAH! When I got to the school, I was greeted by some decorations on my door and my kindergarten team decided that it was "black day".

Around 9:00 pm our doorbell rang. Paul opened the door as I followed behind. I could quickly see my "Ya-Ya sisters" - aka Debbie, Tamara, and Janice - standing on the porch singing "Happy Birthday" and waving sparklers. We went out for ice cream. It was a great ending to a long weekend.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy 40th!

Today I turn 40 years old. It is hard to believe that I am starting a new decade in my life. There is something that I like to do when my anniversary or birthday hits that "0" year and that is to reflect on what God has done in the last few years.

Here are some things that God has done in my life or in my family over the last 10 years.

Six days after I turned 30, God blessed us with our last child, William. I have been blessed with three wonderful children and have been able to see them grow up. One of my favorite memories is that all three of them have asked Jesus to be their Savior and Lord of their lifes. I watched each one of them with tears in my eyes be baptized by the dad. I have learned all about soccer, football, theater/drama, and singing and have watched countless performances by all three. I received my teacher's certification and teach kindergarten. I love to teach kindergarteners. Paul has received his master's degree and began working as an administrator in schools. We have moved from Pflugerville to Cedar Park. The handbell quartet that I love was just beginning 10 years ago. We went to Disney World and to Washington DC for family vacations that are forever etched into my memory. We were able to see Nannie (Paul's grandmother) are our Walt Disney trip and celebrated her 100th birthday. Then we celebrated her life as she went home to heaven in April. I have been married to my best friend for the last 16 plus years. God has truly blessed my life and am excited about what is in store for me during the next 10 years.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Meeting the parents...

After our first date, Paul came and saw me in Austin on Thursday of that week. We went to Chili's on Burnet and 183 and had a great time. I was amazed everytime how we just clicked with everything. I was beginning to realize how well we complimented one another's personality. That fact was also a little scary. I had always heard "love at first sight" and "we knew right away we were right for one another", but now I was actually living it.

In my family, we have several birthdays close to one another. Everyone decided to get together to celebrate my granny's, my cousin's, my aunt's, and my birthday on Nov. 9 & 10. On Saturday, I was headed back to my aunt's house in Temple, where my parents and grandparents would be coming for the weekend. Of course this would be the perfect time for Paul to come and meet everyone. He came over on Saturday and we had a great time. My parents were excited to meet the person that I had begun to talk about. On Sunday, (my 23rd birthday) Paul came over after church for a family dinner. The afternoon went quickly and we enjoyed all being together. One of my favorite memories from that day was when Pa Bill (my grandfather) pulled me aside and said he wanted to give me some advise. His advise was that I needed to date Paul for 90 days and after 90 days then I could make a decision as to what I should do with our relationship. (Little did he know that we would have our wedding planned etc before the 90 days were up)
He also informed me that he had invited Paul to our thanksgiving family reunion. I love the fact that they approved of him.

We had a great time that weekend and it is a birthday that I will never forget.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Our first date...!

Paul and I went out on our first date seventeen years ago today. This is how it all began. After we met on Sunday morning, Paul came back to lead the worship service that night and realized that I had gone back to Austin. He asked my aunt for my number, but she wanted to make sure that it was OK with me. After asking for my number several times, he finally called me on Tuesday night about 11:00 pm (he had to wait to get back home after the Tuesday night service.). He called and asked me if I would like to go to the Amy Grant concert in Waco on Saturday night, Nov. 2. Before I could answer, he said that he was taking 15 students from his church with him. I said that I would love to go and we made arrangements for him to pick me up at my aunt's house in Temple. We talked one other time during the week. Finally Saturday arrived. I went to Temple to my aunt's house. Paul picked me up around 4 pm. We had to drive to Marlin where we were going to have dinner before meeting the kids at the church to go to Waco. Paul told me that he fixed dinner for us and as I walked through the door, I saw that he had a candle lit dinner prepared for us. He had asked some guys in his youth group to come over and light the candles and put the plates that were in the oven on the table. I was so impressed. I had never had anyone make dinner for me.

After dinner, we went to the church to meet the students and get in the church van to go to the concert. It was an interesting ride to the concert. Paul and I on our first date - trying to get to know one another and 15 students trying NOT to listen (ha, ha). We had a great time and after the concert, we drove back to Marlin and then had to drive back to Temple. On the way, Paul asked if I would like to stop to get something warm to drink. It was a very cold night and in a small town, the only place open was a convenience store. We pulled in and both got a hot chocolate to drink. (Looking back on it now, Paul was very smart. I hate the way coffee smells and Paul loves coffee. He picked the right drink for the night!)

Paul and I were finally getting a chance to get to know one another without anyone listening in. We were different in many ways. I am a small town girl from Texas. He was a city boy from Georgia. He was confident and a huge extrovert while I was quiet and reserve. But in many ways, we discovered that we were alike. Our core values and Christian beliefs were the same. We love music. He was in choir and I was in band. By the end of the night, I had realized that I had found someone who was very special. He was someone I wanted to spend more time with and we could talk and laugh about so many things. Our first date is something that we always remember.

Coming up next...."Meeting my family"

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, Granny Mary

Today is my Granny Mary's 79th birthday. Granny is a very special woman. Next to my mom, she has influenced my life on how to grow up and be a good wife and mom. I spent my summers with her and we would shop, go to movies, cook, weed in the garden, and do things at church. In college, I would receive a letter once a week from her. Oh how excited I was to get those letters. Thanks for all the wonderful memories. I love you, Granny

Monday, October 27, 2008

"Today I met the boy I'm going to marry..."

Seventeen years ago, I had just moved to Austin and was lonely. I went up to Temple to spend the weekend with my aunt and uncle, where my uncle was a pastor. On Saturday, my aunt told me that they were having a revival starting Sunday morning. Following the morning service, they were having a church-wide lunch.

On Sunday, I went to Sunday School and then went to the worship service. As the service began, a young man got up and began singing "Almighty". My first thought was "Wow, he has a beautiful voice!" As I continued to listen to him sing, I began to wonder if he was single or had a girlfriend. After the service ended, everyone was invited to have lunch. Since my uncle was the pastor, we were going to host the revival preacher and music leader at our table. The preacher sat down directly across from me and the music leader sat one seat down. During lunch, the preacher asked me all kinds of questions - where was I from, what things did I like, etc. I was hoping that the music leader would ask some questions, but he was fairly quiet. I learned that he was a music/youth minister in Marlin and that he was single. At the end of lunch, the two men left to rest for the afternoon. As I drove back to Austin that afternoon, I was still thinking about how I wish that the young man with the beautiful voice would have asked me for my phone number or asked if I would be there for the night service. But I couldn't do anything to change it, it was all in God's hands now.

Little did I know what God had in store for us. The young man with the beautiful voice would soon be "the man I'm going to marry!" I love you Paul. It is hard to believe that it all began 17 years ago today.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Craft Show...Enchiladas and Cakes!!!

Every year our church youth group has one fundraiser. We turn our gym and the bottom floor of our adult and education wing rooms into booths for crafts. People come from all around Texas to sell their wonderful crafts. The way we raise our money is selling breakfast tacos, lunch and dinners to the crafters and buyers. We make homemade enchiladas, chocolate cake, chicken salad sandwichs and soups. We also sell frozen dozen enchiladas and chocolate cakes.

It all began last weekend when we began rolling the enchiladas to freeze. Then starting on Thursday, we began making chocolate cakes and the "to serve" enchiladas. On Friday we began the official craft show. There were breakfast tacos to make, enchiladas to cook, and oh yeah, cakes to make. On Saturday, we began again. Breakfast tacos, enchiladas and MORE cakes to make. We had a great time .Since the parents and youth work together many hours in the kitchen, you get to know one another very well.

Paul is the expert "rice maker". He taught Karen how to make the rice for Saturday's lunch rush.

Debbie and Debbie were our fearless leaders in the kitchen.

Good friends, crafts, and chocolate cake - what a weekend. We even taught the boys how to be cake makers.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

6th picture in your 6th folder...

A teacher friend posted the question, " What is the 6th picture in your 6th folder of pictures?" Here is my picture. This is one of my favorites. This picture was taken on Will's first birthday. He had received the wagon as a gift and the girls and Will couldn't wait to get in and go for a ride. It seems like it was yesterday that the kids were that little. William is 1, Emily is 2 and Sarah is 4!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Everything I learn...I learn in Kindergarten!

Everyday I have the priviledge of teaching wonderful kindergarten students. As I am teaching them everyday, they teach me or remind me of how wonderful life is when you are 5 years old. Recently, the students in class were to go around the room and find words that either began with the letter "a", had an "a" in the middle of the word or ended with an "a". We had brainstormed and came up with many words for each section. I left all the words on the board for them to copy and they could find more. I looked at one student's paper and they had filled their paper with nonsense words, but had followed the letter "a" criteria. As I was calling this child over to talk with them about how we needed to fix their paper, they asked me "Are the words TOO complicated for you to read, Mrs. Smith?" Lesson learned - 5 year olds are adorable! Check out my class website to see all my wonderful kids. The link to the website is

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Blissful Chaos?

OK, so I have finally given in to "peer pressure" and created a blog. I told my friends in order to start a blog - I needed a good title to have. Laura came up with "blissful chaos". I liked it when I heard it and thought that it does describe the life of the Smith's right now. We are pretty busy with trying to keep up with everyone's schedule, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I enjoy seeing my children do different things. Whether it be football, basketball, theater or choir, life is blissful and sometimes chaotic. For instance, we are now entering into the week of "The Craft Show". Watch for later posts about "The Craft Show"